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< Cross Country – Landesmeisterschaften Gols 2019
23.10.2019 15:06 Alter: 5 yrs

Business English Certificate

On 22 October 20 students of the 5DK and 5EK were awarded the Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) Vantage by SQM DI Thomas Schober. The successful candidates have proved in this international examination that they have reached a B2 level of English and are thus ready for international business. In the BEC examination the four language skills listening, reading, writing and speaking are tested in a business-related context. Our candidates prepared for the exam in the optional subject BEC. The certificate is well-known among companies and hence our students have improved their job prospects. Special congratulations to Samuel Muskovich, who has achieved a C1 at the examination, which shows that he speaks English at university level.