• Cambridge - We prepare
  • Ökolog - Bildung für die Zukunft
  • Erasmus+
  • Kooperationsmodell BHS Frauenkirchen-Fertöd
  • Europäischer Sozialfonds
< HAK Frauenkirchen beim Landesredewettbewerb
25.06.2010 00:00 Alter: 14 yrs

10 days in Cambridge

From 15 to 25 June 2010 the students of the 4DK and 4EK and two teachers from HAK Frauenkirchen were in Cambridge. We stayed with lovely host families and had a lot of fun with them. In addition, we could experience everyday life in the UK, which is indeed very different from our Austrian daily routine.
At school we were taught in two groups. The first group had classes in the morning while the second one had to do fieldwork. In the afternoon it was the other way round. In little groups we worked on projects which we presented at the end of our trip.
At four o’clock we usually went home by bus and had dinner with our host families. In the evening we were allowed to meet friends. Sometimes there was an evening programme. We went to the cinema, to the theatre, or bowling. One day we travelled to London to see the most famous sights, for example Madame Tussauds. Another day we went to Norwich and visited the coast, which was wonderful. We also had some free time in the afternoon which we used to go shopping, punting on the river Cam or to visit the sights of Cambridge. All in all it was a great and funny time and it was definitely never boring.